Hydro Nation Virtual Water Pavilion

As Glasgow hosts COP26, this virtual pavilion highlights how Scotland, as a Hydro Nation, is working across our water sector to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Scotland’s Hydro Nation Strategy was established in 2012, to fulfil the statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to ensure “the development of the value of Scotland's water resources". In the context of climate change, this means that we recognise the importance of responsible stewardship of our water resources to delivering an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy and plays a crucial role in international development support.

The Hydro Nation Virtual Experience highlights some key examples of this activity and features six tours themed on key areas of Scotland’s Hydro Nation delivery. Please take some time to explore the content and immerse yourself in Scotland’s iconic water landscapes.

You will also find a planner and information on key waters-related events at the conference to assist you in planning your COP26 around water.
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Upcoming events

Growing the circular economy through innovation in business

Scotland’s buoyant reuse sector and our growing circular economyalreadyprovide us with more sustainable options to buy the things we really need. This event will showcase real examples of businesses that have adopted circular strategies into their business model and how it has impacted their growth.


Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.


A hidden treasure: Groundwater as a tool for climate adaptation and resilience

This session will focus entirely on groundwater and the critical role it plays in climate change mitigation, resilience and adaptation. 

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Supporting a just transition in Scotland - how do we decouple consumption from growth?

Scotland has decarbonised its grid faster than most, however the reality is that four-fifths of our carbon footprint comes from consumption. This event will explore themes in the Decoupling Report, produced by Zero Waste Scotland and its Decoupling Advisory Group and look at how we can support GDP growth by focusing on a circular and wellbeing economy.


Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.



Virtual Event: Water for Climate Adaptation: Asia-Pacific Perspectives

The Australian Water Partnership is hosting a 90-minute storytelling virtual event to highlight voices and stories from the Asia-Pacific region. As a socio-ecological approach is needed to understand climate risk in our region, and design effective solutions, we will learn through case studies about locally led adaptation in water.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Preventing Shocks and Stresses from becoming Crises: The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF)

The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF) is a high-level framework that seeks to prevent shocks and stresses from becoming crises. This session will seek to explore the bounds of resilience thinking and seek input on how to continue to grow and foster resilience.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Climate action for shared prosperity through aquatic food systems: Eyes on SIDS and beyond

The panel will also focus on technological and digital innovations, such as climate information services, and how they can be integrated into policy and institutional reforms to catalyze the transition towards shared prosperity. Additionally, they will discuss innovative approaches being employed by governments and businesses to put aquatic foods on a low emission pathway.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Knowledge Exchange and Impact – A Workshop for Students and Early Career Researchers

Aimed at those starting out in research, this session will provide practical tips and advice for interacting and effectively communicating science , evidence, and expertise with different audiences. The workshop will have a particular focus on engaging with policy makers and working with the audience as a partner.

To register: Knowledge Exchange and Impact – A Workshop for Students and Early Career Tickets, Tue 9 Nov 2021 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

More on SEFARI: Talking Heads: the Scottish Government Centres of Expertise - YouTube


Water, nutrition and climate change: how can we act across sectors?

This multi-stakeholder and multisectoral panel will draw from the interlinkages between these fields to explore synergetic solutions to improve access to safe water and nutrition in the face of climate change, building more environmentally sound and nutrition-sensitive food systems.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


This session will explore changing animal, plant and zoonotic (diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans) disease threats and climate change.

This session will explore changing animal, plant and zoonotic (diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans) disease threats and climate change. The focus will be on vectors (organisms that transmit a disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another) and the diseases they carry, looking at emerging trends and engagement and communication with stakeholders.

Vectors and their impact on plant, animal, and human disease Tickets, Tue 9 Nov 2021 at 15:00 | Eventbrite

More info on SEFARI: Talking Heads: the Scottish Government Centres of Expertise - YouTube


Virtual Asia Hub programming

7:00 to 7:30 High Level panel (Dr. Mark Smith, DG, IWMI, Neeta Pokhrel, Chief of Water Sector Group, Asian Development Bank );

7:30-8:30 Panel and videos water management and agriculture- issues and solutions for the region;

8:30-9:00 Synthesis, future needs and messages to the Cop from Asia water interests

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)

May 2024

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