Hydro Nation Virtual Water Pavilion

As Glasgow hosts COP26, this virtual pavilion highlights how Scotland, as a Hydro Nation, is working across our water sector to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Scotland’s Hydro Nation Strategy was established in 2012, to fulfil the statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to ensure “the development of the value of Scotland's water resources". In the context of climate change, this means that we recognise the importance of responsible stewardship of our water resources to delivering an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy and plays a crucial role in international development support.

The Hydro Nation Virtual Experience highlights some key examples of this activity and features six tours themed on key areas of Scotland’s Hydro Nation delivery. Please take some time to explore the content and immerse yourself in Scotland’s iconic water landscapes.

You will also find a planner and information on key waters-related events at the conference to assist you in planning your COP26 around water.
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Upcoming events

Scottish Enterprise’s COP26 green investment showcase

Our green investment showcase will begin with opening keynotes and discussion by a senior Scottish Government minister and a key industry thought leader addressing 'Investing with purpose: a values-led approach to Investment'. More detail to be announced shortly.

After the opening keynote, Scottish Enterprise Board Member Peter McKellar will host a lively discussion on the 'Innovation required in the finance sector to unlock the net zero transition'. Speakers include:

  • Chris Stark,Chief Executive, Climate Change Committee
  • Kate Murray,Group Chief Financial,NatWest Group
  • Chitra Hepburn, Head of APAC ESG and Climate,MSIC
  • Jim Barry,ChiefInvestmentOfficerof BlackRock Alternatives Investors


Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.


Meeting Renewable Energy Targets While Keeping Rivers and Communities Resilient

Scotland’s green innovation and investment showcase, with investor panel - in partnership with EIE

Make the world a better place by addressing tomorrow’s greatest challenges today.

Get an insight into Scotland’s investment ecosystem by joining our showcase of some of the country’s most innovative green companies. Our panel of investor experts will discuss the need to accelerate the financing of sustainable projects and opportunities.

They’ll also describe the role the presenting companies, and other innovative start-ups, will have in the race to net zero.


Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.


Hydropower Development - providing renewable and environmentally friendly energy, ensuring long-term water availability and preventing water related natural disasters

Scotland's green investment portfolio showcase

Scotland’s green investment portfolio will showcase £3 billion of investable opportunities by 2022. Hear from the sponsors of three of our current investment opportunities as they present their ambitious growth plans and demonstrate their low carbon attributes. We'll also outline Scottish Government policy and initiatives to support investment aligned to our 2045 net zero ambition.

The session will be chaired by Neil Francis, Interim MD, Scottish Development International. Speakers include:

  • Kat Feldinger, Deputy Director Finance, Scottish Government
  • Chris Milne, CFO & Andrew Scott, CEO, Orbital Marine Power
  • Mark Wilson, CEO, ILI Group

Register to attend

Register to attend these events on eventsair - a Scottish Government partner website. You'll need to create an account to attend.


Water Pathways to Reduce Energy Use and GHG Emissions

The Flows and the Future: Scotland's unique contribution to saving nature and the climate

Join speakers from

@nature_scot@HighlandCouncil,@ThinkUHI and @RSPBScotland to discover the history and future of Scotland's Flow Country, one of the most important places for nature and climate on the planet. #COP26

 Watch online here: https://cities-and-regions.org/register/


Creating bankable climate adaptation projects with with Nature based Solutions – learning from Building with Nature Indonesia

The aim of this session is to stimulate the discussion about scaling up investment in Building with Nature as common practice in water infrastructure planning.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Design and planning of NbS to address climate change

Aim: to raise awareness of the opportunities with (importance, impact and immediate and long-term value of) integrating water management in forests and landscape restoration in addressing climate change.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Hydro: Powering a Net Zero Future

SSE will premiere Hydro: Powering a Net Zero Future, a film celebrating the rich heritage of hydro power and looking ahead to its vital role in combating climate change. 

Green zone: Cinema Auditorium

Watch live: Hydro: Powering a Net Zero Future | #COP26 - YouTube


September 2024

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