Hydro Nation Virtual Water Pavilion

As Glasgow hosts COP26, this virtual pavilion highlights how Scotland, as a Hydro Nation, is working across our water sector to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Scotland’s Hydro Nation Strategy was established in 2012, to fulfil the statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to ensure “the development of the value of Scotland's water resources". In the context of climate change, this means that we recognise the importance of responsible stewardship of our water resources to delivering an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy and plays a crucial role in international development support.

The Hydro Nation Virtual Experience highlights some key examples of this activity and features six tours themed on key areas of Scotland’s Hydro Nation delivery. Please take some time to explore the content and immerse yourself in Scotland’s iconic water landscapes.

You will also find a planner and information on key waters-related events at the conference to assist you in planning your COP26 around water.
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Upcoming events

Empowering Youth for a Climate Resilient Future

The emphasis will be on sharing concrete ways in which engaging and empowering young people can help achieve better, more sustainable outcomes.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Impact - Youth Action In The Water And Climate Nexus

This COP26 session, hosted at The Water Pavilion in the Blue Zone in Glasgow, took the opportunity to highlight the young leaders that have been creating their own paths in advocacy, innovation and policy connecting water and climate. 

Report and Video: Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Impact - Youth Action In The Water And Climate Nexus | OOSKAnews


Re-imagining the future of water: how landscape-scale adaptation is driving the race to water resilience

Building long-term resilience to the increasing risk of drought and flood – and doing so immediately – is crucial for cost-effective climate change adaptations as well as unlocking wider prosperity. In this interactive event, we will bring together leading experts from around the globe in the fields of water management, social and environmental prosperity, and finance to discuss how integrated water management, combined with strategic financing, is driving crucial change. It will showcase how nature-based and community-led solutions are making a real difference around the globe in the face of a warming climate and act as a spur to future international collaboration

Blue zone


Youth Amplify Impact through Local and Global Connections

International youth share their stories and solutions in their work on climate and water issues in their communities.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Today’s choices, Tomorrow’s Impact - Youth Action in the Water and Climate Nexus

This session will take the opportunity to highlight the young leaders that have been creating their own paths in advocacy, innovation and policy connecting water and climate.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


The Canada Water Agency in a Global Context: The Frontier of Water Governance

Water experts from across the Canadian and International water networks to discuss the monumental creation of the Canada Water Agency (CWA).

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Visions of tomorrow for a sustainable future in Scotland and Malawi

2050 Climate group 

Green zone: Tower base

Watch Live: Visions of tomorrow for a sustainable future in Scotland and Malawi | #COP26 - YouTube

The international collaboration between Malawi Scotland Partnership and 2050 Climate Group was announced by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in 2018 at the 2050 Climate Group Youth Summit. We’ve been supported by the Scottish Government since then and we are thrilled to have Màiri McAllan, Minister for Environment and Land Reform join our session to discuss the importance of supporting collaborations between Scotland and Malawi young leaders.

Our partnership is based on the premise that young people are at the forefront of climate action. We believe that the urgent work of addressing the climate crisis is one that needs collaboration and a global mindset.

Our session will cover the work that we do in our respective countries, our visions for the future and our key asks out of COP26. You will hear from leaders in Malawi and Scotland. Come and hear our stories.


Get energized with a constructive narrative on water and climate through fun and play

In this highly interactive and engaging event we will explore through a collaborative climate board game how we can rewrite the narrative of water and climate change.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


daption: Building adaptive capacity through climate resilient water, sanitation and hygiene solutions

This event will highlight the importance of building resilient water and sanitation services, with a particular emphasis on the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Policy, Accountability and Monitoring: Needs and opportunities for water, sanitation and hygiene

This session will showcase the importance of having the adaptation needs of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services well integrated in the national priorities set by Nationally Determined Contributions, and National Adaptation Plans, and will review success stories from countries that have advanced in this front.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)

December 2024

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