Hydro Nation Virtual Water Pavilion

As Glasgow hosts COP26, this virtual pavilion highlights how Scotland, as a Hydro Nation, is working across our water sector to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Scotland’s Hydro Nation Strategy was established in 2012, to fulfil the statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to ensure “the development of the value of Scotland's water resources". In the context of climate change, this means that we recognise the importance of responsible stewardship of our water resources to delivering an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy and plays a crucial role in international development support.

The Hydro Nation Virtual Experience highlights some key examples of this activity and features six tours themed on key areas of Scotland’s Hydro Nation delivery. Please take some time to explore the content and immerse yourself in Scotland’s iconic water landscapes.

You will also find a planner and information on key waters-related events at the conference to assist you in planning your COP26 around water.
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Upcoming events

Preventing Shocks and Stresses from becoming Crises: The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF)

The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF) is a high-level framework that seeks to prevent shocks and stresses from becoming crises. This session will seek to explore the bounds of resilience thinking and seek input on how to continue to grow and foster resilience.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Fair Water Footprints in the Race to Resilience - Global Declaration Launch

Join the launch of the Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints at COP26, a breakthrough moment for climate resilience and global water justice. The Declaration follows the call to action from UK Minister Lord Goldsmith in August to ensure responsible water use throughout our globalised supply chains, to protect nature and human rights, and accelerate attainment of the Global Goals.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)



Launch of new Resilience Fund

The Global Innovation Fund and Global Resilience Partnership will be joined by a range of expert panelists for a wide-ranging discussion exploring how the development community can accelerate global progress by funding evidence-based innovation focused on climate adaptation and resilience, how innovation is a cost-effective vehicle for delivering social impact, and how we can most effectively support low- and lower-middle-income countries to cope with the worst effects of climate change.  

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Water and Climate: on the Road to the UN 2023 Water Conference

Preventing Shocks and Stresses from becoming Crises: The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF)

The Water Resilience Assessment Framework (WRAF) is a high-level framework that seeks to prevent shocks and stresses from becoming crises. It aims to facilitate a shared understanding of water system resilience and allow practitioners to develop common measurable goals and outcomes for stakeholder and resilience planning. The WRAF guides users through a process of visualizing the system, developing a resilience strategy, testing the resilience strategy and evaluating the outcomes in order to build system-wide resilience. The WRAF makes resilience a predictable outcome in an unpredictable world, which is increasingly important as climate change continues to alter how we make water management decisions. This session will seek to explore the bounds of resilience thinking and seek input on how to continue to grow and foster resilience.

The session will introduce the framework and how it can be used to build resilience and support climate change adaptation goals. A panel of cross-sectoral experts will further elaborate on the gap that the WRAF fills and how they would use it in their own work. Concluding remarks will focus on the path forward and a call to action

More information at - https://bit.ly/3jL63s0 


Water ChangeMakers Forge Frontiers for Resilience

Aiming to put forward the question of leadership and recognize those who drive change on the ground, the event will present the journeys of Water ChangeMaker Awards winners. The theme of the day focuses on Adaptation & Resilience and the stories presented will bring excellent insights specifically around climate change and resilient water management, solving challenges by uniting through action.

Water Pavilion: Virtual Meeting Details (waterforclimate.net)


Fair Water Footprints in the Race to Resilience - Global Declaration Launch

Join the launch of the Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints at COP26, a breakthrough moment for climate resilience and global water justice. The Declaration follows the call to action from UK Minister Lord Goldsmith in August to ensure responsible water use throughout our globalised supply chains, to protect nature and human rights, and accelerate attainment of the Global Goals. The founding signatories, including the governments of the UK, Malawi, Peru, Madagascar and Finland together with progressive companies and financiers are committed to zero pollution, sustainable withdrawals, full WASH access, nature-based solutions and drought and flood mitigation within their supply chains by 2030, and invite all stakeholders to join them, to lead us to the fairer water future we all need.

More information at - https://bit.ly/3jKhGzx


Climate Change and Water The Missing Agenda at COP26

Highlighting the critical role of water in relation to both Adaptation and Loss and Damage is essential if practical solutions are to be found. This session draws on the breadth of expertise and experience in the UNESCO Water Family and examines possible ways forward from around the world, especially in relation to governance.

Watch live: Climate Change and Water: The Missing Agenda at COP26 on Vimeo

Questions can be tweeted to: @dundeewater 


Leading for Climate Resilience

Monday 8 November, 08:45 – 11:00, Banqueting Hall, Glasgow City Chambers 

Join Sniffer as we kick off COP26 Adaptation loss and damage day with an in-person event focused on leading for climate resilience.   

Registration link
Password: Climate Ready

Confirmed Speakers: 

  • Lolita Jackson, Executive Director of Communications & Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Development Capital LLP (SDCL), USA 
  • Emma Whittam, Highland Adapts Principal Project Manager 
  • James Curran, Chair, Climate Ready Clyde 
  • Iain Thom, Senior Policy Advisor – Climate Change Adaptation, Scottish Government  
  • Shohail Saifullah, Project Associate, International Centre for Climate Change and Development 

Quick fire Pecha Kucha sessions will explore inspirational leadership. We’ll also hear key messages from the Scottish Government’s recent National Climate Resilience Summit and gain important insights from colleagues working on adaptation and resilience from around the world. 


Partners for Wetlands: Decade for Wetland Restoration

Organisers: RAMSAR Convention; BirdLife International; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Wetlands International (WI); Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT); World


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